A complete list of Black Sun Lit contributors.


Lindsay Remee Ahl: Five Poems (V_03)

Will Alexander: Neurological Foreshortening & Two Poems from Divine Blue Light (V_06) · Two Poems (V_07)

Kimberly Alidio: Five Poems (V_07)

Roberta AllenExcerpts from In This Room (dv)

Kirstin Allio: Three Poems (dv)

César Dávila Andrade: Feral Cathedral [trans. from Spanish by Jonathan Simkins] (V_07)

Antonin Artaud: Four Texts [trans. from French by Rainer J. Hanshe] (V_04)

Jessica Baer: Two Poems (V_05)

Damiano Bagli: what I saw I cannot say what it was, or, Not that what one cannot say, one might not more fully understand (V_04)

Théodore de Banville: The Lydian [trans. from French by Patricia Worth] (dv)

Kendra Bartell: On My Leaving All This (dv)

Charles Baudelaire: Excerpts from My Heart Laid Bare [trans. from French by Rainer J. Hanshe] (dv)

Brad Baumgartner: Meditations of Libby Grenot (Love’s Patience) (V_02)

Martine Bellen: Confession (dv) · Five Poems (V_07)

Daniele Bellomi: novae [trans. from Italian by Anton Ivanov] (V_00)

Stanislav Belsky: Five Poems [trans. from Russian by olga mikolaivna] (V_07)

Anselm Berrigan: Three Poems (V_07)

Joshua Bird: Four Poems (V_06)

Louise Black: Ag (V_00)

Gabriel Blackwell: A Field In Winter (V_00) · Fathers and Sons (V_03) · Three Texts (dv)

Tessa Bolsover: Excerpts from Crane (dv)

Raymond de Borja: Four Poems (dv)

Donald Breckenridge: Crosstown (dv) · Gates Avenue (V_02)

Bridget Brewer: Pear of Anguish (dv)

James Brubaker: Songs About Women (V_00)

Annie Le BrunFragments from Moon Ring [trans. from French by Alicen Weida] (dv)

Eva Bujalka: Ossuarius (dv)

David Buuck: Excerpt from Disfigurations (V_07)

Chris Campanioni: A Murmuration Is Also a Collective: The East and the West Meeting Through the Stutter of Form (V_06)

Isabel Sobral Campos: Desert Vivant (dv) · Second Beginning (dv)

Andrew Cantrell: Five Poems (V_03)

Garrett Caples: My Life by Patrick James Dunagan (V_07)

Mauro Javier Cardenas: Antonio Returns to Guayaquil from The Revolutionaries Try Again (V_00)

Tom Carlson: The Torque of Thought (dv)

Ivonne Gordon Carrera: Three Poems [trans. from Spanish by Cindy Rinne] (dv)

Mary Ann Caws: Victor Brauner and Ghérasim Luca (V_06)

Sam Cha: Nine Poems (V_07)

Bonnie Chau: Now Spring, Now Fall (dv)

Ryan Chang: Permission (V_00)

Catherine Chen: Six Prose Poems (V_04)

Jimmy Chen: Dark Chamber (dv)

Billie Chernicoff: Aporian Odes (V_06)

Andrei Codrescu: Did the Mute Lose Something? (V_03)

Kyle Coma-Thompson: Five Poems (V_05)

Patty Yumi Cottrell: The Forest of Tnak (V_02)

Sara Crangle: Six Poems (V_06)

MTC Cronin: Excerpts from The Glass Bear (V_06)

Iris Cushing: Five Poems (V_03)

Susan Daitch: As We Talked, Other Mutants Began to Appear (V_03)

Ashley David: Four Poems (V_02)

Adam Day: Five Poems (dv)

Shira Dentz: Four Poems (dv)

Lou Pam Dick: Excerpt from Coil (V_03)

Xeno Muir Pam Dick: Seymour Crosses The (V_06)

Colin Dodds: Two Poems (dv)

Ted Dodson: Five Poems (V_03)

Sandra Doller: Fragments from Not Now Now (dv)

Claire Donato: The Third (dv)

Maura Nguyen Donohue: what I saw I cannot say what it was, or, Not that what one cannot say, one might not more fully understand (V_04)

Helmut Dosantos: Southern Atoll: a collage of words from the thoughts of others (dv) · Everyman Man (V_02)

Ian Dreiblatt: Fragments from ill ibid (V_02)

Derick Dupre: Valletta Sunset (dv) · Fentanyl Honeymoon (V_03)

Tony Duvert: Metro [trans. from French by S. C. Delaney and Agnès Potier] (dv)

Katie Ebbitt: Synthetic (dv)

Eisuke Yoshiyuki: Record of a Tryst In Tokyo [trans. from Japanese by Marissa Skeels] (dv)

Berit Ellingsen: Summer Dusk, Winter Moon (dv) · Nordaustlandet (V_02)

Paul Éluard: Six Poems from Immediate Life [trans. from French by Carlos Lara] (V_05)

Spencer Everett: Six Poems (V_06)

Jared Daniel Fagen: “If I Were Braver I Would Live the Life of an Outlaw”: An Interview with Evelyn Hampton (dv)

Adam Fagin: Four Poems (V_05)

Naomi Falk: Carnelian (dv)

Léon-Paul Fargue: Two Texts from High Solitude [trans. from French by Rainer J. Hanshe] (V_06)

Dani Ferrara: Excerpt from A Virtuality of Lineaments (V_04)

Ennio Flaiano: The Second to Last Supper [trans. from Italian by Anton Ivanov] (V_02)

Erin Fleming: Two Stories (V_00) · A Frenzy to the End (dv)

Josh Fomon: Four Poems from Our human shores (V_06)

Ethan Fortuna: gender sonnets (dv)

Tristan Foster: Hellhole (dv) · Our Hero Explains (V_00)

Daniel James Fraser: Shopping (V_02)

Logan Fry: Six Poems from Fidelity of Rainbow (V_07)

Joanna Fuhrman: Five Prose Poems from Data Mind (dv)

Róbert Gál: Fragments from Naked Thoughts [trans. from Slovak by Michaela Freeman] (V_00) · Excerpt from Agnomia [trans. from Slovak by David Short] (dv) · Excerpt from Tractatus [trans. from Slovak by David Short] (V_05)

Armando Jaramillo Garcia: The Appetite Enormous (dv)

Frank Garrett: Saying Celan In Silence (dv) · The Passion of Passivity: Blanchot, Bartleby, and the Ethics of Writing (V_02)

Lawrence Giffin: Six Poems (V_07)

Michelle Gil-Montero: Three Poems (dv)

Phoebe Glick: Three Texts (dv)

Vahé Godel: Four Poems [trans. from French by Victor Pambuccian] (V_05)

Dale GoingTwo Prose Poems (dv)

Adam Golaski: Two Poems (V_02)

Tilghman Alexander Goldsborough: “ ONESCORE THRTEEN “ (V_07)

Adam Greenberg: Excerpts from Gaps In the Chase (V_03)

David Micah GreenbergTwo Landscapes (dv)

Rav Grewal-Kök: The Free Brutalists (dv)

E. Tracy Grinnell: Excerpt from “état eurydīk.” (V_07)

Évelyne Grossman: The Creativity of the Crisis: Évelyne Grossman In Conversation with Mia Ruf (dv)

Janalyn Guo: The Cave Solution (dv)

Anna Gurton-Wachter: Five Poems (V_04)

Evelyn Hampton: Door (dv) · Three Stories (V_00) · “If I Were Braver I Would Live the Life of an Outlaw”: An Interview with Evelyn Hampton (dv)

Gail Hanlon: Three Poems (dv)

Stacy Hardy: An Archaeology of Holes (dv)

Barbara Harroun: Blood Poppies (dv)

Patricia Hartland: Excerpt from Marginalia (V_05)

Sharron Hass: Three Poems [trans. from Hebrew by Tsipi Keller] (dv)

Tom Haviv: Excerpts from Island (dv)

Christian Hawkey: ELBRAG (V_04)

Jeremy Hoevenaar: Three Poems (V_05)

Chelsea Hogue: Hi, I’m Carter (dv)

Karen Holman: Three Poems (V_07)

Christine Shan Shan Hou: Six Poems (V_05)

Elise Houcek: Excerpt from The Orange Gaze (V_07)

Valerie Hsiung: the beginning of suffering is (dv) · Excerpt from The only name we can call it now is not its only name (dv)

Vicente Huidobro: Five Prose Poems from The Citizen of Oblivion [trans. from Spanish by Jonathan Simkins] (V_04)

Emily Hunerwadel: Two Poems (dv)

Heikki Huotari: Five Prose Poems (V_05)

MC Hyland: Four Poems from Prevailing Conditions & An Essay on Weather (V_05)

Kirsten Ihns: Three Poems (dv) · Six Poems (V_06)

Brenda Iijima: The Eyes of Laura Palmer (V_04)

Evan Isoline: Into the Death of the Lake of Numbers (V_06)

Scott Jacobslacrimosa (dv)

Matthew JakubowskiA Thousand Lives (dv)

Andrew Joron: Three Poems (V_07)

Laura Ellen Joyce: Saints from The Luminol Reels (dv)

Jack Jung: I Am From the Last Country I Am From (V_06)

K. Thomas Kahn: Two Poems (dv) · Three Poems (V_02)

Paul Kavanagh: Mundane Cruelty (dv) · Journey (V_02)

Michael Keenan: Fragments from The Brightness In the Leaves Is / Only Beginning (V_04)

Tsipi Keller: Dots on the Horizon (V_03)

Hannah Kezema: a murmuring art: translations of Henri Michaux’s asemic texts (dv)

Lital Khaikin: ВѢДѢТИ from Outplace (V_02) · The Shattering Din of the Morning Star (V_04)

Sean Kilpatrick: Lessons (dv)

Kim Hyesoon: Three Po-Proses [trans. from Korean by Jack Jung] (dv)

M Kitchell: Dark Topography (V_00)

Wayne Koestenbaum: Five Poems (V_06)

Jesse Kohn: Preface (V_02)

Inna Krasnoper: Five Poems (V_07)

Sam Kriss: Art, Money, Beauty, Shit, Representation, the Communal (dv) · The Decomposition of Emily Beatenwood (V_00)

Marream Krollos: Dear Prudence (dv)

Meghan Lamb: Inventory (V_02)

Osvaldo Lamborghini: The Fjord [trans. from Spanish by KM Cascia and Garrett Phelps] (V_06)

Krystal Languell: Two Poems (dv)

Carlos Lara: Excerpts from The Salivation Actor (V_04) · Excerpt from The Orange Gaze (V_07)

Jonathan Larson: Four Sonnets (V_02)

Evan Lavender-Smith: The Cliff’s Edge (V_02)

Monroe Lawrence: [A canoe emerges from an armor of mist…] (dv)

Michael Jeffrey Lee: The Swine King (dv)

Lee Min-ha: Three Prose Poems [trans. from Korean by Jein Han] (dv)

Sueyeun Juliette Lee: A Turning Point, Return (V_07)

Harry Leeds: Don’t Let This Happen to You (dv)

Nic Leigh: Four Prose Poems (V_04)

Michael Leong: Art and Struggle, Gargle and Strut (V_07)

Gabrielle Lessans: Fragments from [a go] (V_04)

Rachel Levitsky: Four Prose Poems (V_05)

Susan Lewis: Five Poems from Idem (V_06)

Dong Li: German Letters, 1935 (dv)

Eugene Lim: Inspector Tate from Dear Cyborgs (V_02)

Yannis Livadas: Agile Notes (1997–2010) (V_04)

Aaron Lopatin: Three Poems (dv)

Taos Lopez: BETRAYAL (dv)

Adam Lovasz: The Promise of Carelessness (V_02)

Ghérasim Luca: Eight Poems [trans. from French by Austin Carder] (V_06)

Robert Lunday: Fragments from Gnome (V_00)

Adrian Lürssen: Two Poems (dv)

Clarissa Macedo: Five Poems [trans. from Brazilian Portuguese by Robert Smith] (V_05)

Stéphane Mallarmé: A Roll of the Dice Will Never Abolish Chance [trans. from French by Jacob Siefring] (V_00)

Franca Mancinelli: For a Stone Sky and Other Fragments [trans. from Italian by John Taylor] (dv)

Tony Mancus: Four Poems (V_03)

Jorge Manrique: Excerpt from Coplas por la muerte de su padre [trans. from Spanish by Camilo Roldán] (V_04)

Courtney Marie: Two Poems (dv)

Douglas A. Martin: Six Poems from Elfi Ophelia (V_07)

Nicola Masciandaro: I Am Not Supposed to Be Here: Birth and Mystical Detection (dv) · Dark Wounds of Light (V_00)

André Masson: Acéphale or the Initiatory Illusion: Paule Thévenin and André Masson [trans. from French by Rainer J. Hanshe] (dv)

Andrew Maxwell: Three Poems (dv)

Friederike Mayröcker: Fragments from Fleurs [trans. from German by Jonathan Larson] (V_02)

Alistair McCartney: Six Prose Poems (V_04)

Virginia McLure: Three Poems (dv)

Adam McOmber: Sleep and Death (V_02) · Pan and Hook (V_03)

Emmanuel Merle: Four Poems [trans. from French by Jeffrey Jullich] (dv)

Elizabeth Mikesch: NeuroticromanticAntarctica: A Manifestacide (V_00)

Katy Mongeau: Two Texts from Apostasy (dv)

Matthew Moore: Six Poems (V_06)

Marcelo Morales: Five Poems from The Star-Spangled Brand [trans. from Spanish by Kristin Dykstra] (dv)

Anna Moschovakis: Love, Anti- (notes toward) (dv)

ELÆ Moss [Lynne DeSilva-Johnson]: Heteroglossolalia / Forked Tongues In Criptime (V_05)

Iris Moulton: Dalalæða (dv) · The First Step Is to Always Be Aware (V_02)

Greg Mulcahy: WINTERHATE (dv) · Art Show (V_03)

Jed Munson: Three Poems (V_06)

Sheila E. Murphy: Three Prose Poems (dv) · Seven Poems (V_07)

Peter Myers: Viewpoint & Matinee (V_04)

Thirii Myo Kyaw Myint: J. (dv)

Nagae Yūki: Three Poems [trans. from Japanese by Jordan A. Y. Smith] (V_03)

Sawako Nakayasu: Two Poems (V_04)

Vi Khi Nao: Two Poems (V_03) · My Glamorous Box (V_05)

Chukwuma Ndulue: Brass Bell with Tripwire (dv)

María Negroni: Four Prose Poems from Outskirts of the World [trans. from Spanish by Michelle Gil-Montero] (dv)

Denise Newman: Four Prose Poems (V_06)

Elliott Niblock: Three Poems (V_02)

Marcus Berian Nicholls: Three Poems (dv) · Five Poems (V_04)

Bernard Noël: Three Poems from The Ink’s Path [trans. from French by Eléna Rivera] (dv)

Rebecca Norton: Hot Mess: Breaking the Skin (dv) · Hot Mess: Teasing In the Skin (V_00)

Tega Oghenechovwen: Days Without Annette (V_04)

Brian Oliu: Hulk Hogan Comes to Tuscaloosa (dv)

Geoffrey Olsen: Excerpt from Their Inextricable Condition (V_03) · Infinite Glamour (V_05)

Daniel Owen: Five Poems (V_03)

Yarrow Paisley: Daffodil In Ecstasy (V_00)

Cheryl Pallant: Three Poems (dv)

Benjamin Paloff: Four Prose Poems (dv)

Tamas Panitz: Four Poems (V_06)

Zan de Parry: Three Poems (dv)

David Peak: The Event Still to Come (dv)

Ann Pedone: Excerpt from Jon Day (V_07)

Valentine Penrose: Five Poems [trans. from French by Mia X. Pérez] (dv)

Serge Pey: The Washing and the Clothes Line [trans. from French by Donald Nicholson-Smith] (V_05)

Douglas Piccinnini: The Teaser of a Full Year of Yesterday’s Life (dv) · Five Poems (dv)

Andrei Platonov: Life to the End [trans. from Russian by Emily Laskin] (V_00)

Branko Ve Poljanski: Excerpt from 77 Suicides [trans. from Serbo-Croatian by Maja and Steven Teref] (V_05)

Joshua Pollock: Outside the House (V_04)

Alina Popa: Dark Wounds of Light (V_00)

Alexis Pope: Four Poems (V_03)

Daniel Poppick: Three Poems (V_03)

Ali Power: Never Change (dv)

Jacques Prevel: Five Poems [trans. from French by Caleb Bouchard] (dv)

Alison Prine: Two Poems (dv)

Losarc Raal: Excerpt from No Material (V_06)

Sal Randolph: Excerpt from Ere Err (Letters Between Errancies) (V_07)

Tom Regel: On the Target of Destruction (V_00)

Ted Rees: Conversations with Kevin (V_06)

Benjamin K. Rice: Cognoscenti In a Room Hung with Pictures (dv)

AM Ringwalt: Two Poems (dv)

Elizabeth Robinson: Three Poems (V_05) · Three Poems (dv)

Jaime Robles: Three Chinese Characters (dv)

Johannah Rodgers: Brenda (dv)

Camilo Roldán: XIV from Lassoer (dv)

Martha Ronk: Five Poems (V_07)

Forrest Roth: Your Famous Sister Walking Through a Plate-Glass Door at the Gehry Museum If It Existed (dv) · As a Social Worker, With Your Keatsian Flair (V_00) · A Senile Lucifer (dv)

Michael RubyMom Is Dying (dv)

Mia Ruf: The Creativity of the Crisis: Évelyne Grossman In Conversation with Mia Ruf (dv)

Emmalea RussoExcerpts from When the Ground Would Break (dv) · Winter Cinemas (dv)

Fortunato Salazar: Porn (dv)

Christine Scanlon: Two Prose Poems (dv)

Kit Schluter: Three Cartoons (dv)

Matt Schumacher: A Missing Suspiria de Profundis (dv)

Barry Schwabsky: Two Poems (dv)

Victor Segalen: A Great River [trans. from French by Jonathan Larson] (V_03)

Steven Seidenberg: Two Texts (V_03) · Excerpt from Situ (dv)

Pierre Senges: A Slightly Vain Exercise In Style [trans. from French by Jacob Siefring] (V_02)

Seo Jung Hak: Five Poems from The Cheapest France In Town [trans. from Korean by Megan Sungyoon] (dv)

Gary J. Shipley: Five Prose Poems (V_05)

Marie Silkeberg: Saint-Ouen | Stalingrad [trans. from Swedish by Kelsi Vanada] (dv)

Kyra Simone: The Mirror (V_03)

Scherezade Siobhan: camera obscura (dv)

Ryan Skrabalak: Six Poems from Flow state (dv)

Erin Slaughter: In Which She Is Unbuttoned by Absence and He Is His Own Apartment Building (V_03)

Haley Hemenway Sledge: Two Poems (dv) · Two Girls (V_02)

Michael D. Snediker: REM IN RE (dv)

Rick Snyder: Fragments from Cache (V_04)

Philippe Sollers: Nature vs. Fertility, God vs. Science [trans. from French by Armine Kotin Mortimer] (dv)

Jennifer Soong: Four Poems (V_05)

Natalie Stamatopoulos: THE WIND’S MONOLOGUE (dv)

Laurie Stone: Paris (dv) · Twelve (V_03)

Garett Strickland: Excerpt from « ][ » (V_05)

Cole Swensen: Five Prose Poems (dv)

George SzirtesThe Thirties (dv) · Variations In Which She Invents Herself (dv) · Four Poems (V_00)

Christophe Tarkos: Three Poems [trans. from French by Jonathan Larson and Wendy Xu] (V_07)

Ken Taylor: Four Prose Poems (dv)

Sophia Terazawa: Faint Blue and Window In Asylum (V_04)

Paule Thévenin: Acéphale or the Initiatory Illusion: Paule Thévenin and André Masson [trans. from French by Rainer J. Hanshe] (dv)

Barbara Tomash: Fragments from Her Scant State (V_04)

Colin James Torre: On the Position of the Shadow Line (V_00)

Edwin Torres: Four Poems (V_07)

Georg Trakl: Four Poems [trans. from German by Christopher Catanese] (V_05)

Matt Trease: Five Poems (V_02)

John Trefry: Mummy from Apparitions of the Living (V_02)

Amish Trivedi: Two Poems (dv)

Michael Trocchia: Two Prose Poems (dv)

Sam Truitt: Episodes from OMAR (V_04)

Zoe Tuck: Three Poems (dv)

Genya Turovskaya: Six Poems from Enter Ghost (V_06)

Michel Vachey: The Mass [trans. from French by S. C. Delaney and Agnès Potier] (V_03)

Christina Vega-Westhoff: Four Poems (V_07)

Marc Vincenz: Three Prose Poems (dv)

Asiya Wadud: Five Poems (V_04)

Jasmine Dreame Wagner: Other People (dv)

Laura Walker: Fugitive Poems (V_05)

Lindsey Webb: Five Poems from Garden (V_05)

Thera Webb: Excerpt from The Witch, A Play (dv)

Franz Werfel: Three Poems [trans. from German by James Reidel] (dv)

Chaulky WhiteFishtailing to Plateau (Proteus) from SSES” ‘SSES” “SSEY’ (V_00)

Engram Wilkinson: EEG

Gaby Williams: Moon Valley (V_05)

Rachael Guynn Wilson: Fragments from Intervallics (V_05)

Theodore Worozbyt: Three Prose Poems (dv)

Matvei Yankelevich: Three Poems from From A Winter Notebook (dv)

John Yau: Three Poems (V_04) · Morning Notes I–X (V_07)

Yoo Heekyung: Three Prose Poems [trans. from Korean by Stine Su Yon An] (dv)

Marina Yuszczuk: Excerpts from Single Mother [trans. from Spanish by Alexis Almeida] (V_03)