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    airglow day of hot

    sneezer in the foi yay, permitted as i am to name my hour
    the pummeling quality that uniquely static can, i take it on
    i produce a horrible noise
    i intensify
    the horrible noise i track across the surface of text every time
    no i track the slow movement that to be moved violently very slowly and big
    The Scene of a House Room, Coming Into Itself and its requirement is

    now we have got it back!
    we have got another one!

    it has the look of a partial thing, even so.

    ok, am i using that word right? i don’t really care


    analgesic pink tectonic sticker & sticker fridge & magnet

    would you like that? i pledge allegiance
    i mop the soffits of it
    with a mop that is on a stick
    my tools are skilled
    they are appropriate and repeatable
    for usage—

    so i do it, do it

    /depress the buttons, you or your loved one

    no chemist

    i whisper /select for me from your universe/
    i pronounce it “see_lect”

    my feelings for that ear are oceanic
    and indecent
    how else should i signify my business?
    in which i mime the body like a lap
    in the pool
    it’s perfectly as cruel as true
    it’s recent and it’s chlorinated

    i put a cleanup on the cantaloupe
               i put a needless stamp
    then eat it
                           while you watch?
    i answer to everyone
    and can you fault me

    move through it on a vehicle

         i went through a vehicle
    then a phase, then i enjoyed the food, the god, control
    i scraped the metal facings on the wall

               i moved from a bird’s eye point
           to i used the foot
        as the composing instrument
    the spray toilette
    footstep function means is used by people

    and the Chinese opera of the empty stage
          gingerly was i thinking
    i was movements
    arising in my one unwary body
    as the actor is a walker onstage

               for example, they are walking through a door
          for example, the door is formed by their movement
      for example in such a way may an entered door be
    conjured with implements
    and closed
                     but by what compass
    may the soul come thereby in
    quite wholly—

        these roofs are red so the drones may know
    who to spare

        the movement of danger is when you value it
    would you come false to my hand, you ask it

        quietly, the states sing their state songs
        in the dry sage brush, dry insects make
    their noises to each other

        there is nothing particularly for you here
    but do please do come


    Kirsten Ihns is a graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and is currently a PhD student and Neubauer Presidential Fellow in English at the University of Chicago, where she studies texts that seem to want to be images, co-curates the emerging poet/artist series Plexiglas, and reads poetry for Chicago Review. Her first book, sundaey, is forthcoming from Propeller Books in 2020, and her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Hyperallergic, Black Warrior Review, The Iowa Review, PoetryNow, Yalobusha Review, La Vague, and elsewhere. She is from Atlanta, GA.

    Previous Post: Carnelian by Naomi Falk Next Post: Abroad
