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    °  but there are only a few hours we can relish  °  chemical transmit song yeast
    boots  °  whatever enthuses cowering frettilations  °  synthesis prescience ‘you’  °  porous

    slide  °  laid malleable stillness  °  readiness ensorcell vigil  °  said Emerson’s

    edge enumerations  °  neighbor!  °  sonic of dripping face  °

    did you ever invent animals you could believe in?  °  ‘itself’ language  °  energetically
    fold back what can’t be caught syntactic  °  conceptual density particular account
    ing for tacking operations of structuring the psychic

    interior a kind texture, disjunct found
    isolating fundaments of representation and alternative

    °  without losing intensity contour  °  I’m so sorry I’m too busy  °

    to fall grab to turn look  °  deauthorize language  °  polymorphous work nominally  °
    washing clothes
    emetic  °

    – – –

    not a search for equivalence but syntactic fashioning transmits energ-e  °  I believe
    many poets interested in the wear of word  °  probe margins, permissibility for
    ties to social  °

    grid projection of infrastructure places/ permits/ difference/ emphasis seeing than pain’s
    tactility as sublimate image+reference  °  animate rorschach  °  dangerously evince necess
    ary contexts stories  °  a form restraint gives way an obsolesce  °  his plurality

    of methods continues impact  °  his methods continue  °  his various methods continu

      °  his variety of methods  °  his inspiring methods continue  °  his plurality of artforms
      °  his
    plurality of styles for reparative body  °  rubble  °

    analogy membrane
    allows mutuality  °
    I understand in these primary scenes obedience versions intimacy  °

    – – –

    human conflation surface  °  everyone moved on from alphabet  °  pronomial energy conservation  °
    moments successfully  °  gingham/mirrors  °  particular spectacles of defeat  °  annul expressivity  °  a
    training which surely provides the cultural ‘ground’ for psychoanalytic theoryes of fantasy sexualizing
    reproduction of world  °  corpus inundation  °

    gothic geometry  °  and will they differ  °  Dickinsonian labels  °  the berries his hunger, and
    the night  °

    congealed monism  °  hexagonal orgonite  °  eating/fucking of quotation  °  gender spirals

      °  rapidly untenable  °  pliable of time’s rhombus  °  a fret or stink congealed
    pollen  °  with ontological concretism  °  sp–king of containers and undulation  °  dreadful inorgani
    csm and untransformed bits notational  °  digestion-rhythm-of expectation  °  to kind
    topos  °

    epistolary collage  °  sexual for years at a time  °  this is where pain resembles ethical
    imperative to see without depth as language converts physical penetration to epistemic possession  °
    shores coddled watched ogled  °  ceremony  °  swoll itself unto


    Note: The final section borrows language from Leo Bersani’s Receptive Bodies; in particular, a moment Bersani considers whether “nonmimetic sexuality” could replace sadism as a “cultural ground” for psychoanalytic theories of representation.


    Ethan Fortuna is a trans writer and visual artist. He is a Postdoctoral Fellow at New York University and received his PhD in Creative Writing and Literature from the University of Houston as a Cynthia Woods Mitchell Center for the Arts Interdisciplinary Fellow. He was selected as a finalist by Green Linden Press for the 2024 Wishing Jewel Prize and Wendy’s Subway for the 2023 Carolyn Bush Award Prize. His work can be found or is forthcoming in beestung, Southeast Review, Tagvverk, bæst: a journal of queer forms, and elsewhere.

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