• The Creativity of the Crisis: Évelyne Grossman in Conversation with Mia Ruf

    Interpretation has long been the exclusive domain of theologians, transforming texts into dogmas and precepts to be followed. We should instead imagine an interpretation that is constantly experimenting, with no certainty of finding the final word... Read More

    Acéphale or the Initiatory Illusion: Paule Thévenin and André Masson, translated from French by Rainer J. Hanshe

    In the mid-1930s, during a flagitious political era, Georges Bataille founded the journal Acéphale as a protest against the horrors of Nazism, all forms of fascism, and decadent democracy. In addition to serving politically as a contra-force to the populist spirit of the times, Acéphale was also to function aesthetically as a Dionysiac contagion... Read More

    “If I Were Braver I Would Live the Life of an Outlaw”: An Interview with Evelyn Hampton

    What I’m pursuing are moments of being able to articulate as clearly as my voice will allow how it is to be inside a human body and unable, most of the time, to communicate what it’s really like to be inside a human body. I long to feel connected to something bigger than the limits... Read More