From Luca’s Legacy: A Microfolio, forthcoming in Vestiges_06: Aporia
My Déraison d’être
despair has three pairs of legs
despair has four pairs of legs
four pairs of airborne volcanic absorbent symmetrical legs
it has five pairs of legs five symmetrical pairs
or six pairs of airborne volcanic legs
despair has seven and eight pairs of volcanic legs
eight pairs of legs eight pairs of socks
eight airborne forks absorbed by the legs
it has nine symmetrical forks for its nine pairs of legs
ten pairs of legs absorbed by its legs
that means eleven pairs of absorbent volcanic legs
despair has twelve pairs of legs twelve pairs of legs
it has thirteen pairs of legs
despair has fourteen pairs of airborne volcanic legs
fifteen fifteen pairs of legs
despair has sixteen pairs of legs sixteen pairs of legs
despair has seventeen pairs of legs absorbed by the legs
eighteen pairs of legs and eighteen pairs of socks
it has eighteen pairs of socks in the forks of its legs
that means nineteen pairs of legs
despair has twenty pairs of legs
despair has thirty pairs of legs
despair has no pairs of legs
but absolutely no pairs of legs
absolutely no absolutely no pairs of legs
but absolutely no legs
absolutely three legs
Spontaneous Initiation
the tentacular
spectral comb
of my tetragrammaton name
the beautiful
terminological hair
on the body
just as the
famous sex
called “cowgirl”
combs the void’s
the hypothetical comb
of my nominal sign
the spectral hair
it combs it bleeds
it rides
day and night
the beautiful
telepathic hair
the fatal
on the oval name
making the beast
with two backs
telepathically gorgeous
we comb we bleed we ride
day and night
the antithetical head-to-head
these two spectral
just as the
famous erotic rider
his horse
my telemetric
it identifies
with the splendid homographic
in which the
in the sea of vertigo of the thunder of the calligraphic
first primordial and triangular
like a synthetic eruption
fixed in the void
Hermetically Open
love torrent emptiness chair
the empty chair
the torrential and empty chair suspended in meta-emptiness
the meta-chair is suspended by the torrential rope of meta-emptiness
the meta-rope tightens and absorbs the torrential meta-neck
his neck hung by the rope
at the woman’s neck
at the flowing floating neck of his meta-woman
torrential and seated emptiness
the torrential meta-woman is seated on a chair
seated on the emptiness of her chair
she meta-floats perpetually in the absolute meta-emptiness
of my absolutely torrential desires
absolutely meteoric and substantial
the meta-head of the substantial and meteoric meta-woman
surges like an arrow
between the meta-thigh of my dreams and the meta-tooth of my desire
biting quick arrow
that leans lightly tilted
over the case of the meta-chair of my dreams and desires
always seated always unpredictable and absolutely searing
the meta-woman floats and meta-floats forever in the emptiness
her little meta-flame visible through transparence
burning in her head’s torrential interior
while very close to the glow of her head
just above her great meteoric hair
passes like a cloud
cloud made of the instant evaporation
of her vast mental torrent
the great metaphysical tortoise
the famous tortoise of the eternal meta-tortoise
menacing with its gray torturous metaphysical heft
the beautiful carnal physique of the meta-woman
concretely seated on her flying meta-chair
flying floating and seated by turns
on the chair voluptuously supported by the feed of my senses
by my five senses by a thousand claws
and by the thousand paws of passionate meta-sensuality
tumultuously appears in the meta-sweat
in the infinite meta-substance of my senses
absolutely substantial
the beautiful eyes the beautiful breasts the beautiful metaphysical ass
of the absolutely substantial meta-woman
substantial torrential and meteoric
transgress the tortuous beyond
of unphysical metaphysics
transgress and annul the great metaphysical nothing
since seated forever on the meteoric meta-chair
of my infinite and torrential meteoric desires
the meta-woman opens the woman
she opens and discovers her translucent flesh
her transcendent entrails her transmissible hair
eruptive devouring and dormant
her heart transfixed by the transparent bullets
of my entranced caresses
her sweet meta-vulva
her dark meta-mouth
the innocent transplantation of her mouth’s flower
into the airborne earth of my thighs
the transmigration of her soul’s mouth
toward the thighs of my breath
the uncanny transfers
the unfathomable transfusions
the gigantic perpetual and triumphant transmutation
of maternal milk
in meteoric spray in substantial meta-emptiness
in sperm in sperm and in universal meta-sperm
in diamond sperm
in your heart’s sperm
in the dark sperm of absolute meta-lust
absolutely lustful and absolutely absolute
Ghérasim Luca (1913–1994) was born in Bucharest, where he co-founded the Romanian Surrealist group. He relocated to Paris (via Israel) in 1952, after which he wrote exclusively in French. Luca was also a prolific visual artist who pioneered a collage technique known as “cubomania.” He committed suicide in 1994.
Austin Carder is a writer and translator based in Philadelphia. His translation of Georges Schehadé’s Poetries is available from The Song Cave. He is also an editor and contributor at Caesura.