• Forthcoming in Vestiges_05: Lacunae


    after Françoise Gilot

    I imagine killing all the ants in my apartment with my smallest vibrator
    Make them dance and shake, give them little seizures
    Like my body when I come.
    Submission is easiest when done alone.
    I identify more with a doormat than a goddess.
    A misfit cumulus cloud reaches its fingers upward
    toward a larger network of clouds
    in hopes of landing a new job in the cloudy marketplace.
    Networking is what you make of it.
    You can be the woman who says yes or the woman who says no.
    I don’t expect to see leopard prints on young women
    but when I do I make a run for it.
    The survival rate is higher for those who don’t react in ugly situations
    But I am not afraid of death or the little bruises I pick up along the way.
    I can get down naked on all fours and be the woman who says yes
    Even though I am the woman who says no.


    The woman tried to bite her tongue off
    A distinctly Chinese form of suicide

    Watches the entire night disappear unto itself
    A murdering den with golden arrows

    Famous for its fragility
    Lack of fertility, fabulous mobility

    One must sever a leg in order
    To understand their impulses

    A tongue is not a limb
    but an escape route

    Into the arena of tiny decisions
    Where an opportunity

    Presents itself in the form of a five-pointed star
    Lone pawn overlooking pond of crooked pawns

    Everything that happens within a lifetime becomes
    Less new by the hour

    Luminous spheres roll out of celestial bodies
    Little errands on the run

    Those found dragging their feet
    Will be picked up one-by-one

    & taken to a third place
    A neck of land surrounded by water

    Where small children grow into ugly children
    & vanish through windows in the middle of the night

    New Town

    The man asked if I preferred tigers or elephants.
    A tiger is an obvious selection so I say elephant and
    quickly walk away. At the market I do not like to be
    bothered so I continue to touch every piece of fruit
    and examine them for bruises and blemishes. I do not
    have a golden touch but if I did, it would quickly turn
    the day lackadaisical like stale rain in a bucket.
    A new town emerges from the rain and becomes a
    bigger version of the modern home. Old neighborhoods
    spill into a river making up much of the morning news.
    One man caught a fish with his umbrella and then made
    soup with the head and tail. Eating becomes a reminder
    of livelihood. Everything I touch sinks. I try to think happy
    thoughts but am scared of attachment so I think about
    blonde movie stars and their fading stardoms. Sometimes
    I think about tigers, elephants, and giraffes. Try to guess
    how many strands of hair are on my head. Once the juices
    have settled I will elaborate.

    Second Paradise

    Tame animals majestically return into the wild
    The pageantry unfolding in the
    Slowest of motions

    Every donkey, ox, horse & sheep
    Running away into the wilderness
    Completely forgetting their previous nature

    A second paradise
    Opaque & without backstory
    Flora breathe into the faces of elders

    Smashed against rocks
    This is what is called
    The female pleasure gap

    It is real & gaping
    & smells of the greenest grasses
    Where long limbs grow toward heaven

    to honor the judges they love
    & the judges they don’t

    Love Story

    Upper hands feast on the marmalade of the dead

    An act of God followed by a blind but kind feeling

    An enormous hand sweeping its wrinkly fingers over the earth

    Loose marbles all rolling toward the same inevitability

    I would do anything to give birth to a saint

    To learn how to end the process of deliberation without breaking my spirit

    Buildings undulate in a city that once was flat

    What starts as a pragmatic relationship between two men quickly turns into primitive love impulse

    Neighbors aimlessly walk around a village built over a wide network of lakes

    A decision made based on convenience proves to be a terrible idea

    A god on a corinthian column planted in the center of a city overlooks a sea of traffic

    I gaze up at it and think of something rare like the last sexual experience in the world and whether there are circumstances where betrayal is allowed

    The hardest part of self-practice is keeping your eyes open

    The hardest part of keeping your eyes open is having to take responsibility for the reckoning

    A reckless teenager is swallowed up by a crack that splits open in the middle of a sidewalk

    Winnicott says: When it comes to having our lives planned out for us, heaven help us if the thinkers take over!

    A woman without a plan hides on a roof at night and gives birth to a girl and a pig

    I transmit a tiny bolt of electricity into the pig’s head

    Sending shockwaves into a city where women hold up half the sky

    On the main highway, Jesus offers each driver a new life in the form of a monarch butterfly

    I know that the ones with the upper hand are the ones with the story

    Upper hands determine what kind of fear is credible and what kind is not

    Upper hands live in comfortable homes by the seaside

    Upper hands resist change so intensely that the rest of their body has no choice but to disintegrate

    I wonder what it feels like to be magically torn apart in a surprising display that burns down 45,000 acres of farmland

    A wildfire makes gender all the more insignificant

    Gender being nothing but an iteration of sentimentality and shame

    I want to die the most beautiful death in the deepest blue sea

    I want my death to be comfortable and homey, but also victorious and sexy like a pack of half-naked men riding wild animals

    A fleet of monarch butterflies descends from a tall shaft of sunlight into a sea of traffic

    A love story in the distance fans out its feathery wings

    There was a time I was much braver than I am now

    There was a time I accidentally flowered through my pants, breaking the zipper

    My distant cousins glowing the entire time

    What first was a shack in the center of the city becomes a birthing center for saints

    Accused of a crime

    Forced into a confession

    Forced into their true nature: A dangling piece of fruit estranged from its tree

    Treeless tundra with a barely visible horizon and no landmarks1

    A birthmark from the heavens received with open hands and open faces

    1 The line “Treeless tundra…” is from a text by Niina Pollari.

    No Rain No Rain

    Frankie said that giving birth
    is a pain that feels both ancient
    and modern.
    Some people are incapable
    of communicating their love
    when everything is clouded by grief.
    Short-term goals include:
    Buy new clothes one size up
    and laugh more often.
    Not knowing how much pain
    is involved in an act can make you
    see things that aren’t even there.
    Freedom can end up looking a lot
    like abandonment, especially if you
    are a caterpillar.
    Going into labor marks the beginning
    of a separation as well as the dawn of
    a new regime.
    No rain, no rain
    she said while waving her
    hand over the giant machine.
    Rain makes way for rot
    and you don’t have the right
    to rot away.


    Christine Shan Shan Hou is a poet and visual artist living in Brooklyn, NY. Her publications include Community Garden for Lonely Girls (Gramma Poetry 2017), I’m Sunlight (The Song Cave, 2016), C O N C R E T E S O U N D (2011), a collaborative artists’ book with Audra Wolowiec, and Accumulations (Publication Studio, 2010).

    Previous Post: My Glamorous Box by Vi Khi Nao Next Post: Three Poems by Elizabeth Robinson
