• Forthcoming in Vestiges_07: Catachresis

    The valuing of the precariousness

    Sometimes trees leak on you & your shit
    Because invasive insects are slowly killing
    Them, & then you get given good conscience
    To smash those little fuckers, though they
    May look pretty. On one of the other days
    A beetle on a sidewalk outside KB Jones’
    Abode seemed attracted to me. I didn’t stoop
    So low as to wonder about reciprocation of
    Some of that affection & hey, you know when
    A creature digs you, but jeez, I wasn’t going to
    Harm it either. Maybe I was being a temporary
    Jain. Are there temp services set up to investigate
    Taking on different belief systems without the terrible
    Promise of indoctrination? I don’t know.
    We’re supposed to suppose all that can be
    Passed off as on-a-stair-type experience
    But we in fact know each other too well
    & the process of knowing is alarming in
    Its brevity. That’s the opposite of what
    You’re looking for, but why believe so
    Particularly in opposition? Because you
    Were taught to? The roofs in Sibiu look
    Like they have eyes, but it wasn’t the
    Roofs hiding in the walls, monitoring kids’
    Relationship to color, and clothing, driving
    Them to escape a home reduced to terrifying hoax.

    I say fulcrum rather than punctum

    Because I’m a fucking punk or
    At least got punched in the nuts
    By a punk once, who didn’t like
    Getting hit by a random snowball.
    I spent too much time this week
    Being talked to – one is sometimes
    Surrounded by mouths. Poor choice
    Of words. That at least acknowledges
    The outskirts of making decisions
    At speed. I wish I had less time.
    The things we put up to make living
    An ownable surface. Apples nestle
    Behind a fold of blue & black
    Patterned cloth. Which and of which
    I can’t find and can’t see. The hand
    The arm, the charcoal one, comes
    Out of the wall. Or beginning at hand
    The arm recedes back into the wall.
    Hands are one answer to anguish.
    The mistake may be doubling the
    Action reduced by camera to act.
    No mouth gets to open today.
    None. Our moment of safe
    Settlement sits out this one.


    I wonder if I’m the only sucker
    On the verge of tears here in soho
    I think I figured out you never figured
    Out what you were doing & that intensity
    Of not knowing but having still to
    Present in certainty is a little bit of
    What I love. This time I think I
    See you seeing out from the paint
    & I would say it’s too much, but I’m
    Sitting on a street. I have ripped my
    Surface into the foreground, so as to
    Hopefully, die on terms I at least might
    Begin to utter. I got to see your work
    Because it’s 100 years since you came
    To this town, & somebody decided
    To honor your decision. That’s a whole
    Lot of bullshit, & bulls every
    Where may be puzzled. See again
    How we come back to the perspective
    Of animals? Feeling the fear of coming
    Forward, reduced to being figures.
    I love someone nearby but I can’t tell
    Them you’re here. The last thing I
    Want is to be believed.


    Anselm Berrigan’s most recent book is Don’t Forget to Love Me, just out recently from Wave Books. He is the current lecturer for The Bagley-Wright Lecture Series.

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