Please join Black Sun Lit for a virtual celebration of So-Lair Storm, with readings by author Andrés Ajens and translator Erín Moure followed by a conversation moderated by Michelle Gil-Montero, with Sonja Greckol.
Tuesday, October 1, 2024
This book launch will be hosted on Zoom. Please register at blacksunlit.eventbrite.com or email editor [at] blacksunlit [dot] com with the subject line “RSVP” to receive a link to the event.
Andrés Ajens is an Andean-Chilean writer and the author of fifteen books of poetry, hybrid criticism-poetry, and translation. Recent titles are So-Lair Storm, a collection of selected poems translated into English by Erín Moure (Black Sun Lit, 2024), La guaCa húmera (2022), and La golondrina húmera y otros poemas de Paul Celan (2022). He lives in Santiago de Chile, where he coordinates the poetry magazine Mar con soroche (Santiago/La Paz) and teaches Andean literature at the University of Chile.
Erín Moure is a poet and translator based in Montreal. She has published nineteen books of poetry, essays, articles on translation, and two memoirs, and is translator or co-translator of twenty-six books, from French, Galician, Portunhol, Portuguese, Spanish, and Ukrainian into English, and Galician into French. Most recent translations include Andrés Ajens’s So-Lair Storm (2024), Chantal Neveu’s you (2024), and Chus Pato’s The Face of the Quartzes (2021). Theophylline: an a-poretic migration via the modernisms of Rukeyser, Bishop, Grimké, was published in 2023 from House of Anansi Press in Toronto.
Michelle Gil-Montero is an Argentine-American poet-translator. She has translated several books of contemporary Latin American poetry, hybrid-genre work, and criticism, including Poetry After the Invention of América: Don’t Light the Flower by Andrés Ajens. Her recent translations include Berlin Interlude and Exilium by Argentine writer María Negroni. Her work has appeared widely in journals and has been supported by the NEA, Howard Foundation, PEN, and Fulbright. At Saint Vincent College, she directs the Minor in Literary Translation and is the founding editor of the translation micropress Eulalia Books.
Sonja Greckol lives in Toronto and is grateful for subways, LRTs, and bike lanes wherever. She has published four poetry books: Monitoring Station (University of Alberta Press – Robert Kroetsch Series, 2023), No Line in Time (Deck Dog Books, 2020/2018), Skein of Days (Pedlar Press, 2014), and Gravity Matters (Inanna Press, 2008). Her long poem “No Line in Time” won the 2017 Briarpatch Poetry Contest and was listed for the Raymond Souster Award in 2019. Most recently, her e-transtranslation “Dark Matters” of Rocío Cerón’s “Materia Oscura” appears in La Presa. She edits poetry for Women and Environments International.