• Black Sun Lit and Black Square Editions will be at the 2023 AWP Conference & Bookfair in Seattle, WA, March 8-11, at table T1411. No Material by Losarc Raal and Material Exercises by Blanca Varela (translated by Carlos Lara) will be available for purchase ahead of their publication date.

    To help launch the release of BSL’s Spring 2023 titles at AWP, the American Literary Translators Association (ALTA) will be giving away a copy of Material Exercises as part of their Bookfair Bingo bundle of recently published books in translation. Additionally, Losarc Raal will be signing copies of No Material at the BSL/BSE table Friday, March 10, from 2:44-4:44pm and performing with Ceremonial Abyss at the following offsite events:

    Thursday, March 9
    Selector Records
    2310 E Madison St, Seattle, WA 98112
    w/ Ceremonial Abyss, John Duvernoy & Zan de Parry
    5-7 PM

    Thursday, March 9
    Seattle Theosophical Library
    717 Broadway E, Seattle, WA 98102
    w/ Katy Bohinc and De Kai, Jen Currin, Lorna Dee Cervantes, Cara Diaconoff, Jared Daniel Fagen, Knox Gardner, Valerie Hsiung, Sarah Mangold, Emily J. Mundy, Janaka Stucky & Jenn Zahrt
    7:30-9:30 PM

    Friday, March 10
    Drongo HQ
    (DM @drongotapes for address)
    w/ Ceremonial Abyss, Jessica Alexander, Jared Daniel Fagen, Vi Khi Nao, Zan de Parry, Cedar Sigo & Ryan Skrabalak
    7-9 PM

    Saturday, March 11
    Northwest Film Forum
    1515 12th Ave, Seattle, WA 98122
    w/ Ceremonial Abyss, Jessica Laser & Zan de Parry
    1-3 PM

    Saturday, March 11
    Gallery 1412
    1412 18th Ave, Seattle, WA 98122
    w/ Ceremonial Abyss, Steve Fisk/Lori Goldston, S. Glass & Forrest Friends
    8 PM

    Follow @BlackSunLit on Twitter and Instagram for live #AWP23 updates.

    Previous Post: Three Prose Poems by Theodore Worozbyt Next Post: Excerpt from The only name we can call it now is not its only name by Valerie Hsiung
