• Three Poems by Marcus Berian Nicholls

    Flowers of mercury / fall from our mouths. / Thoughts crepitate / on bleached stone / and briars curl / in the thickets / bones lie / in the dust of lunar oceans. / Moss undulates / but in your liver / a china pebble stirs... Read More

    Two Poems by K. Thomas Kahn

    would that there were endless ink     the skyscraper / flame reflected in the Hudson as the poem appears there / I keep you to one side the river on the other / words just copy to you padding your billfolds so that / on holiday you miss a sunset meet a deadline... Read More

    Two Poems by Colin Dodds

    The center may seem near / Waking to the sun a cudgel bludgeoning / front-desk clerks and taxi drivers crumbling all / to tenuousness even stone can’t remedy / Impossible heat making concrete sweat and crack / driving the most progressive town elders / back under thatched roofs... Read More

    The Event Still to Come by David Peak

    Transposition: A series of cavernous, empty spaces at the end of a winding road. Floor-to-ceiling windows. Walls covered with portraiture: families, children, hands and feet. Wood paneling. Molded ceilings. Various arrangements of tarnished silver. Significant water damage. Black mold. A staircase that leads nowhere... Read More

    Two Poems by Haley Hemenway Sledge

    Tie This up and take This everywhere. The backs of This’ knees all sicked from This’ scratching. This can bellow a balloon of semen. Ask your mother to dinner and This will only pass time. This is too much for a mediated form. This is too golden for a train car. This is too loud... Read More

    Southern Atoll: a collage of words from the thoughts of others by Helmut Dosantos

    Short is life, and agitated and restless, as the waves now crashing at our feet and whose dying call is our last requiem. These words aren’t mine. I have salvaged all as I recall them. It must be because every life dies and every death lives. Again... Read More

    Three Poems by Virginia McLure

    On a shelf / on a nail / on top of the door frame / your stares make a triangle / of forward-thrusting gaze. / I dagger down their lines / & slowly, carefully, leg / outside. I check myself: Alive. So it feels right to palm you down / & line your painted faces... Read More

    novae by Daniele Bellomi, trans.from Italian by Anton Ivanov

    could have stayed away from the observation point, never again to say / a word about the shadowed part with no one, evaluating distances with eyes / used to a hypothetical explosion, to precede like one proceeds amongst variables / and cautions, proximity to collapse, tracing again the once combusted edge / of anything seen... Read More

    Variations In Which She Invents Herself by George Szirtes

    What she told herself was true, she thought, and wondered what else she could tell herself. / I have invented fictions of myself that seem truer than what I think I know, she thought. / The fiction of self as invention is the only credible fiction... Read More

    Fragments from Gnome by Robert Lunday

    When you drive, the landscapes slide sharply through the sides of your face. They fill your cheeks, your temples, they build behind the eyes and ears. Soon they’re ripped by the wind or a gawker’s stare from the back of your head, and you’re again in the landscape... Read More