VESTIGES_05: Lacunae
memory as a morgue

Publication date: July 24, 2020
Paperback · 240 pages
ISSN: 2471-7312
ISBN: 978-0-9994312-6-9
$12.00 U.S. | $16.50 International

Featuring Je Baer, Christopher Catanese, Kyle Coma-Thompson, ELÆ [Lynne DeSilva-Johnson], Paul Éluard, Adam Fagin, Róbert Gál, Vahé Godel, Patricia Hartland, Jeremy Hoevenaar, Christine Shan Shan Hou, Heikki Huotari, MC Hyland, Carlos Lara, Rachel Levitsky, Clarissa Macedo, Vi Khi Nao, Donald Nicholson-Smith, Geoffrey Olsen, Victor Pambuccian, Serge Pey, Branko Ve Poljanski, Elizabeth Robinson, Gary J. Shipley, David Short, Robert Smith, Jennifer Soong, Garett Strickland, Maja & Steven Teref, Georg Trakl, Laura Walker, Lindsey Webb, Gaby Williams, Rachael Guynn Wilson

Purchase: Asterism Books

Editor’s Note

Preview the issue: The Washing and the Clothes Line by Serge Pey [trans. Donald Nicholson-Smith] · Three Poems by Jeremy Hoevenaar · My Glamorous Box by Vi Khi Nao · Six Poems by Christine Shan Shan Hou · Three Poems by Elizabeth Robinson · Moon Valley by Gaby Williams

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