Hulk Hogan Comes to Tuscaloosa by Brian Oliu
And it’s really him; at least that’s what the children say, that the sky turned red and yellow before it grew black: white thunderbolts across the sky like an interruption, a whistle on the wind that doesn’t know any better... Read More
Art, Money, Beauty, Shit, Representation, the Communal by Sam Kriss
In Der Ursprung des Kunstwerkes, Martin Heidegger attempts to account for and justify the phenomenon of modern art. While maintaining his own somewhat conservative tastes, he claims that modern art possesses autonomous value... Read More
Door by Evelyn Hampton
The path ended a little after darkness had settled over everything.
“This is where I end, too,” Toby Douglas said. “I’ll leave you, and you’ll go on alone. Keep going until you reach a door—it’s inevitable that you will. Everyone I bring over the ridge eventually reaches it. When you get to the door, knock. Then... Read More