Fragments from Not Now Now by Sandra Doller
They take it a little far. I haven’t even considered you yet. I applied. You think I’m talking about it when I’m talking all around it. There in your little snow hut in the sun. There there in it. There was an audio file once of the audiophile in the wind. You couldn’t understand... Read More
Two Landscapes by David Micah Greenberg
Unlimited the power of the unbearable self, the owl and bat taken to body. To aspire to a blamelessness and an unworthiness, to aspire to thorns. To find poetry in the Bible, the piety and piercing of reading and writing. To imitate the masters more firmly than the masters... Read More
Introducing So-Lair Storm by Andrés Ajens, forthcoming July 9, 2024
Preorders for Andrés Ajens’s So-Lair Storm are now available. A poetry of articulation and dis/articulation, of artifice, of disengagement and dismemberment, So-Lair Storm moves between broken narratives, different materialities (letters, emails, diary fragments), critical essay, and experience... Read More
The Creativity of the Crisis: Évelyne Grossman In Conversation with Mia Ruf
Interpretation has long been the exclusive domain of theologians, transforming texts into dogmas and precepts to be followed. We should instead imagine an interpretation that is constantly experimenting, with no certainty of finding the final word... Read More
gender sonnets by Ethan Fortuna
° but there are only a few hours we can relish ° chemical transmit song yeast / boots ° whatever enthuses cowering frettilations ° synthesis prescience ‘you’ ° porous / slide ° laid malleable stillness ° readiness ensorcell vigil ° ... Read More
Black Sun Lit / Asterism Books [REVISED]
Black Sun is excited to announce a new distribution partnership with Asterism Books. Currently, all issues of Vestiges (that remain in print) are now available from Asterism. All titles previously distributed by Small Press Distribution are in the process of being shipped to the Asterism warehouse... Read More
Five Poems by Valentine Penrose, trans. from French by Mia X. Pérez
If it is a stone of sorrow, there I am seated / There, where ribbons fall sideways on the plain / White veils. This is nothing. / Where the wild-eyed goddess plunges the child of another into fire. / The tree refuses to orient itself. The emerald / Keeps its fist clenched... Read More
BETRAYAL by Taos Lopez
It’s a love story that slits its own throat, but it’s not a story at all. It’s your life. Your heart beats as a reminder of the beating you’ve taken. If you could reach it you would pull the plug, but you can’t reach it so you reach for something else. First, you pick yourself... Read More
Six Poems from Flow state by Ryan Skrabalak
Write a music. Write a music more of with more no world, with things arranged. Things rearranged in no. World with no question (past, as night) in the mode of your fog. So that the fog was suited for your music and you made it with. Not owned. That’s your sense of this world... Read More
Four Prose Poems by Benjamin Paloff
I can only wonder at the decisions the ever-elsewhere hummingbird is weighing mid-air, but its suspension in all-at-onceness makes perfect sense in this “rarely” so rare as to mingle with never-forever. Taking the corner wide to skirt the black ice, there’s no need to keep looking... Read More